Sunday, May 1, 2011

Exam stressssss.

exams madness and i still can't believe that i've been through this 3 times and yet i always fail to uphold what i promised myself at the beginning of the semester. you know they always tell you the key to success? you know it, i know it, we all know it. but i also know that procrastination is the key to failure. and im married to procrastination.(as proven by this post) bahhh.

on another note, i thought i would just rant some stuff that's going through my mind recently. somehow i always get people asking and telling me, that i'm going on a holiday AGAIN ? but the fact is that they don't know how hectic my life is and they are not going through what i am going through. i think i truly deserve a break from all these. its not easy holding a retail job, juggling it together with 5 tutees, go for dental appointments, going for driving lessons, and of course school work. oh and yes, i'm going through a ldr. time's of the essence. and although i don't think that i'm doing all that awesome, i'm fine with it. but the thing that people forget is that i'm human too. i get tired. i get sick of my busy like a bee life. it's been so long since i stepped into the movie theaters, went out for shopping trips with my friends, went out to chill at a beach or anywhere or what nots. i don't celebrate month-saries like how i used to even. yes, i do club but that's kinda it. and my weekdays are filled with school + work. weekends, don't even think about asking me out, they are packed with tuitions + work. friday nights, saturday nights. what are most people doing? out somewhere chilling or on dates isn't it? and what do i have? after work i go home and maybe skype? haha. but that isn't the case all the time. sometimes, i really do have no plans and i go home just to be greeted by my books/notes/video lectures. maybe fringe/himym. but still, i miss going out. i miss having a social life. sometimes, i wish i could just give up my work and tuition assignments. i'm so tired. i can't wait for 23may where i can be free from all of these and just enjoy life.

so, don't tell me that i'm rich or what. i am not. i'm slogging my heart out for some enjoyment. and i think it's just fair to me to take a breather from the pile of load on me. i deserve it. :p


  1. Yes bff you deserve it! You don't go out on shopping trips but at least there's online shopping to relieve your stress with JUST A CLICK hehehehehe oops :P

  2. hehe. yes i just bought a maxi. WAHAHAHA.

  3. Hahahaha!! Great job (Y) Btw if you're in urgent need of your lame leggings you lent me, do let me know! :)

  4. oh. hahahaha! i didnt rmb that it was with you? no rush anw ;)
