Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let the party begin !

wheeeeee !!! exams ended on wednesday and life have been good since then (:
this sem's result's gonna be so so so freaking screwed but i'm just glad its over. kinda regertted doing a lot of other stuff earlier this sem, being so distracted and all. but i'm gonna make sure history doesn't repeat itself and G is gonna work harder next sem.

so the first night of liberation was dedicated to shar!
because her birthday, very unfortunately, clashed with xin and my exam dates, we had to postpone her birthday celebration to 2 dec.
so we met for dinner at timbre art house before clubbing the night away. it was nice to meetup and chill after such a long break! (: and of course we took quite abit of pictures, which is what happens without fail as long shar's with us, she never fails to bring her camera out. but shar's a busy women and haven't uploaded any of them so i wouldn't have anything to post up here as yet.
oh, the main surprise for that night was that xinyu clubbed! albeit she didn't come along willingly, she lost a bet and had to come. but phuture was hell packed, that night was so not fun :C the only good thing that came out of it was the great night sleep when i hit the bed. it was pure concussion. havent slept that soundly for a long long while mann. alcohol works wonder ;)

second day of liberation was dedicated to shoppingggggg with jolyn. we spent the entire day over at fep? we rock. hahas. anw, it was really hilarious that i took a bus that goes back home instead of heading back to hall that night. i should just take solace in the fact that it took me only two stops to realize that i was heading in the wrong direction rather than go all the way back to sembawang and scream, shit. hahas. the brain just stops functioning after the exam ends huh ? ha.

there's so much more i could type, but i'm so lazy. i wanna head back to FRINGE soon. hahas. i shall summarize today's itinerary. headed to JB with my sis and xin to get some stuff. and i came back with 3 very cute cupcakes which were MAD sweet. i almost died after eating them.

And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you

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