Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The smell of rain ;

havent been blogging much i realised. ha. the lazy bug is still stuck in me. lots of happenings since the holiday started on 2 dec. all that partying and shopping trips (: pics are all up on fb anw, so i won't bother posting them up again. maybe just one (:

i miss the girls! i get to meet them individually quite often yes. but as a group, we only get to meetup once in a while cause everyone's busy busy. can't wait for xmas ! our next meetup :>

anw, i just got back from penang. school trip, or rather its called the hall annual camp(AC). i thought the camp name was cool - happenang ! hahas. but xin says that its the worst pun ever. why?? it was pretty much an eye-opener for me. for me, camps always sound torturous. maybe that's due to s.lim (i know the girls knows who i am referring to) in stnicks. hahas. she's sucha irritating bitch. so many rules to follow and restrictions here and there. but for uni's AC, there's no rules mann. no lights-off time, no need to stay within any area even when we were at the beach, plus all the vices were allowed - smoking/drinking/staying up to play cards. hahas. totally rocking. even the shopping hours were so longggggg <3

shall let the pictures do the talking from here ,

First up, toy museum .

i think meow has a lot of garfields soffies on her bed still though. hahas.

Penang's Botanic Gardens

For this monkey picture, xin was literally following it the whole time la. After countless fail shots, she finally managed to get a perfect one.

Day 2 was spent at the beach.

we were all allowed to play the banana-boat and para-sailing once each!

para-sailing was fun !! the view up there was simply breathtaking and spectacular! plus, it was cooler up there. or maybe we were all dying from the heat after such a long day. ha.
but one achievement for xin and i - we didn't get sunburnt at all! :> all thanks to 7 layers of sunblock throughout the whole day. HAHA. damn niang la, but we don't care. by the end of the day, most of the guys were walking lobsters.

the amount of food that was fed to us in penang was just too much. and the chairperson's reason for buying so much food for us - the food here so cheap! so we just buy more! hahas. i think all of us just grew fat there. dinner was a 8 course meal for the second and third day. scary much. we had to resort to playing games to finish up the food that were left on the table even... hahas. thank gosh xin and i didn't have to finish up anything cause we were lucky and didn't lose any games :>

headed off to upper penang road(upr) after dinner on the second day. upr is their so-called "clarke quay" area in singapore... but we couldnt enter any clubs because of inappropriate attire-slippers. hahas. we ended up hanging around in a pub called "SOHO". not the social house in singapore... hahas. just merely soho. lots of angmohs in there tho.

Day 3 was merely a shopping day at Queensbay mall .

we were given 6 hours to shop. this is like the best camp ever mann. but 6 hours was too much time. hahas. xin and i combed the mall within 3 hours and ended up going for a manicure session to kill some time. we're both loving our new nail colours now :> she did a super shimmery light purple while i did french.

got back on sunday morning and spent my sunday lazing around and finishing the 9 episodes of fringe xin passed to me.

went to swim/suntan this afternoon and i'm so glad it didn't rain ! :> i dont think i got tan much tho. but got really burnt on my arms and legs. but i didn't apply any tanning oil/ sunblock on my legs thinking that my legs wouldn't get burnt. hahas. proven wrong. shall not try that again.

i took 2 and a half hour to complete this post. yay. loser G :\
looking forward to partying tmr night! :>

Why did I change the pace
Hearts were never meant to race
Always felt the need for space
And now I can't reach your face

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