Tuesday, August 2, 2011


paiseh for no updates. my lappy crashed a few weeks back and i lost my photoshop software and now i've no idea how to resize pics for blogging and collage-ing them. bahhh.

anw, its 1 week before school term begins again. seems like yesterday when the holidays began. sigh. coming monday, i'll officially be a year 3 student (oh god, even typing that i feel old already). feels like i'm a senior but technically, i still feel like a freshie because i am not involved in any school activity. now i really regret not joining any FOCs in year 1. perhaps uni life would have been much much more exciting. boohoo.

this whole 2 month break has been really awesome for me. albeit short but i'm glad i managed to squeeze two trips into it and with no trips to look forward to, i actually dont have any motivation to study hard. needa to plan a trip soon. heh. jetstar, pls come up with some promo for taiwan/hk!! :)

spent the last few weeks of my holiday working non-stop. not that i'm complaining, since more shift means more money. but im kinda tired out and all i badly need is some rest. looking forward to friday, just like all working peeps out there, bcos that marks the end of work for me for this week at least and plus i'll be meeting a few lovely people for steamboat at vivo. hehe. can't wait XD

tata !

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