Friday, February 18, 2011

Voice out

I think there's just somethings i needa voice out.

I am particularly anal with people who takes forever to pay back whatever amount they owe me. And what's the worst I've heard from people is that ' you're working what, you can pay your cc bill first right?' Seriously. That brings my pissy-scale to a whole new level. If you need reminders for you to remember to transfer me ,at least tell me, make it known to me. I will remind you and I bear no grudges with you for that. What I really hate is when I have to mass spam smses just to get a reply from those people. People always pretend to not receive smses regarding payment. I know. And I hate spam mails/emails or any sort of spamming, so as much as possible I will not do that. But sometimes, people really know how to push you to the limit.

One important point these people need keep in mind is that, I work so bloody hard not to pay for YOUR drinks at the clubs. I work to finance myself. If you can't afford to drink/party/club. DON'T. It just dampens the whole mood. Especially when I have to chase you for the cash. I jolly well know that monetary problems will spoil friendships, and I do restrain myself from hounding anyone for payment until the point when I am really really tight on cash. But that doesn't mean that people should be taking advantage of my kindness. If you're tight on cash too, at least give me a dateline on which you will be able to make payment. That will at least give me time to plan out my expenditure. What I usually do if I owe others cash and I can't pay up yet. is to tell them that I will return them the amount once my pay is credited into my account on every 7th of the month. And I make sure I deliver my promise.

I know I might be practical. But this is how I am. To those whom only know how to ask for money, and can't afford to spend. Please. Either you go and find a job to get extra income or just stay home. Especially guys. Asking a girl to pay at the club for you is just NOT cool at all. If you really have to, pay her on the spot with cash. Its really a turn-off to girls when they have to pay for your drinks. And to those guys I'm addressing, have some integrity. When I ask you how many shots you all took. All of you said none. How do you all explain the amount spent on the shots? You mean we ordered and the drinks disappeared? Yea right. Maybe it did. And now I have to pay your debts. Seriously. Fcuk you all. And please, have the decency to never ever ask to join me at the clubs. You all are very not welcomed at all.

1 comment:

  1. Omg who owe you $$!! Who dare to take a longer time than me to repay you $$. I thought I was forgetful enough. But BFF, you know I need constant reminders and I'll do it on the spot if possible :) Lovelove <3

    P.S. I hope the respective pple will read and realise you're talking abt THEM.
