Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One week old

so it's been one week since i've been attached to my new toy - my new bb :D
time to do a review since i've been a loyal iPhone user before this. and i only can say that there's good and bad points to owning a bb. and there are still points where iPhone definitely win bb hands down.

#1 con about a bb compared to an iPhone would be that you actually NEED energy to type. maybe i've been too used to a touch screen phone for too long =X but i'm really not used to it. and bcos of this, i type really slowly as compared to typing on my iPhone. so friends, you gotta pardon me for slow replies + typos (iPhone will usually auto correct it for me)

#2 con would be the brower interface. i very much prefer the just-touch-on-the-address-bar kinda thing. its so troublesome to move the cursor to the place and zoom and type.

#3 I CAN'T KEEP MY EYES OFF THE BB =X hahas. okay. this isn't exactly bb's fault. red was a bad choice for the flashing light. wahahaha.

now for the pros
#1 BBM's the best invention ever. especially for ldr. whatsapp still can't beat bbm. cause you can run multiple programs while being on bbm <3

#2 you can send pictures SO easily via bbm and save the file and resend it out! yayyyy.

#1 con is that it lags overtime. (ie. the touch screen loses its sensitivity)

#2 you can only run one program at one time. so say if i'm on whatsapp and go back to the main page, i will be "offline" on whatsapp. noob app.

#3 whatsapp isn't reliable at all.

#1 best infusion of ipod + phone. no need to carry two items out :D

#2 typing's so effortless!! you just needa tap on the screen.

#3 going online can't get any easier.

hmmm. i guess that's all that i can think of now. but seriously, iPhone's much more idiot-proof than a BB. hahahaha. does this imply that only smart pple can use BB? maybe. must start being more intellectual!!

shall do so now by researching more on my project! :\


  1. But you still have an Iphone :P

  2. but i only have 1 sim card lehh. plus ehh. but bb plan doesn't work on iphone :(
