Friday, October 30, 2009

Living each day as it comes.

uni life has very much been boring for me, every week seem to run past so quickly and before i know it, exams are starting soon. really hate the feeling of being left behind, not just due to the handicap race i'm on but also the procrastination bug in me which refuse to leave :\
i just cant study consistently, which of course is an essential trait to be able to do well in uni. i guess the singapore education system has shaped me into the way i am now. hahas. (not trying to blame the education system tho, its really not bad) many students, i believe like me, only chiong for the major exams-O levels/A levels. and as for other quizes/test/mid yrs, it doesnt seem to be of a concern to us, afterall its the certificate that matters isnt it? explains why people always say that you can chiong 1 month before Os and you can still do reasonably well , and maybe 3 months before As? hahas.

guess i'm just not well-adapted with the GPA system. and what's more, sometimes peer pressure can be stressful. knowing your "competitors" studying so ahead of you, it can be quite demoralizing. bahhhh. is there a manual on "how to survive well in uni?" ???i would love to read that. hahas. another good book to read would be the manual on "how to live one's life" . there's just far too many things i would like to change if i ever had another chance to live life once more. not my friends and family tho, they're still the best i ever had and could ever ask for.

anw, i'm suppose to be reading up my biochem now. tata!
(eggcited for shopping tmr!! XD )

i fell so hard ,
and now i'm trying to stand up all over again.

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