Thursday, October 15, 2009


my gosh. there's something really wrong with me or rather my body clock. i'm so tired but i just cant seem to get into sleep mode. i attempted to sleep since 12am but i just end up lying on the bed with my eyes open. its freakking 1.33am now and i've morning lesson tmr from 8.30am to 5.30pm excluding peer tutoring from 6.30-8.30pm (that's if i decide to go). and like its not bad enough , i have 2 meetings running from 9pm- 1am?? i knowit's gonna be a nong nong day and i need my rest but i just cant seem to get to lalaland whenever there's quiz on the next day. this sucks.
so after tmr's quiz i'll be free from quizzes for a week before econs quiz comes knocking on my door on the 26/10. sigh. i'm really looking forward to partying this weekend!! hopefully P can join us! ( i know you're reading this P) this week has really been one shitty one , packed with quizzes which i have no idea how to do and more lab reports piling up on my back.

i need to fall asleep soonnnnn. any suggestion on how to fall asleep ?:\

walking away seems so hard.

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