Saturday, October 24, 2009

Churning out reports has become my life.

my life now seems to be engulf in this "lab report" fume hood or something. (pardon me for all the scientific terms, its the result of too many lab reports) i now fully understand why people always thinks that people of our age dont sleep till at least 2am. i have never understood why sleeping at 2am is necessary-until now. it has become a norm for me to stay up till 3 to finish a lab report. maybe cause i've some obsessive compulsive disorder or smth like that. i can't let my body rest unless i finish what i set out to do. that's only when i'm very determined of course. hahas. i have 2 lab reports due on monday and 2 more on friday, but i'm all set out to finish all of it by sunday night, by hook or by crook, cause i wanna party on wed night. hahas. and i have an econs quiz on monday. whoever told me that uni life's gonna be easier than jc ought to the shot. seriously. 4 lab reports and 1 quiz in one week is hell hectic. i really can't comprehend how is it easier than jc?? bullshit.

but xin and i have concluded that as we get older, life will only suck more and more. even when our brain cells are degrading( they say the brain works best from 7-18), they expect us to learn at a faster speed. it used to be crazy 4 years in secondary school to 2 years in jc then 2 years of work in jc has been compressed to 4 months work in uni. they make it seem like we're some computer where you can just click on the "compress file" button and all the info would be compressed. but sad to say, my brain's "mem" card is currently at its max capacity. its like coming to the end of this sem and yet i'm still stuck at the first few week's lectures? not understanding any shit cause its so bio based and i have no prior knowledge. sigh. i really just hope that i can still do well, i need a miracle, and change course by next sem.

ok, enough of ranting. i needa go back to my last report for the week! btw, i have a twitter account cause i was paid to open one by HSS in ntu. hahas. now that the survey is over, i wasnt suppose to say anything about being paid to open an account during the survey period, i wanna try using it. but i'm so noob at it. someone help me out here?? (:

when i look out of the window,
all i hope to see is that rainbow that shows me ,
the storm is over and its the begining of another beautiful summer.

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