Thursday, April 14, 2011

Party like a ROCKSTAR ♥♥♥

SO.SO.SO. i turned 21 a few days back and yes i'm now an adult. how time flies. i'm officially into adulthood. how sad. but it also means i am eligible for 'funding' from the govt this year. heh.

since we only turn 21 once in a lifetime, i decided to hold a party this year! and thanks to my pixies, we decided on the theme 'Party like a ROCKSTAR'. how apt, especially when i enjoy partying ^^
after looking at how P,shar, nikki struggled with problem with the venue, i booked my venue 5 months in advance. heh. kiasu singaporean ftw! so i managed to get the venue i wanted - NSRCC. yes, it was a lil pricey. but the place looks really really nice! :D

see what i mean? :) (pics below)

there was only 2 bedrooms to my dismay tho. i thought there would be three. but overall, its still a pretty nice place. heh.

so spencer and i got there 1 day earlier as i initially wanted to separate my family and friends celebration. but my family members were all not free on friday and it doesnt make sense to have <10 peeps coming over and next day i needa invite those who weren't free to join my friends AGAIN. so yea, i just decided to combine and so friday was just honeymoon for spen and me. heh.

anw, so my dear pixies came over around 3 to help me out with deco! and i really should mention that NSRCC really pissed me off that day. they made me change my bungalow a few hours JUST BEFORE the event. i really really wanted to strangle and kill them. how am i suppose to relay that info in sucha short time!?!?! and after that with that big hoo-ha with me using a chair to reserve a lot just outside the bungalow. seriously, the management need to use some brains. at least allocate 2 lots outside the bungalow for the 'host' right?!? since they allowed me to register 2 cars for the 'subsidized' parking fee, then at least give me the space. it doesnt make any sense for the 2 registered cars to be parked so far away from the bungalow isnt it?? BAHHHHH. stupid nsrcc. >:C spoil my mood/day.

back to my topic. so here's the final result of my pixies' hard work! mel did the rockstar wording and apparently, my sis commented that it was VERY WELL DONE (i know you're reading this mel) hahahaha. power sia mel! thank you! :D
and those floating balloons you see? helium tank was sponsored by my lovely DEELAI !! heh. thank you so much babes for making the pretty deco possible :DD
presenting melody slacking after working so hard. haha!rest time.

dee, nikki and nic went out to help me get more balloons after they 'pumped-up' the 30 i bought and thought that it wasn't enough and guess what? they came back with one more HUGE-ASS BALLOON. albeit being very afraid of balloons (i am more against the rubbery kind tho, reason why the balloons were all floating and not on the floor that day), i really really appreciate my pressie from nikki and dee!! THANK YOU GIRLS ! love you all!! :D

so ard 7pm, catering (kindly sponsored by spen) was done up and my aunty and cousins started to arrive first. heh. ken and spen went to collect my pizza + cake, so they were kinda mia from my pics. hahaha.

here's one of my closer cousin. and that's her daugther. cutexz or what? heh.
and i realised this was the only picture of my GUESTBOOK!! (kindly done up by my current roomie in hall, how nice of her!! :DD ) thank kewww shar for posing with it. hahaha!
pixies - nikki + nic
ziying , shishi, yvonne
hui juan + arthur
OHYES. when the kids came in. the balloons became such a BAD MOVE. they were SO enchanted by the 'floating' balloons and started running ard pulling them off the celling and it was so damn difficult to control them. i really needa thank my other cousin for helping me with the 'crowd-control'. HAHA.

food looks good? heh. my mum made those jelly thingy tho. not under catering. haha.

and i swear the beehoon was damn awesome? just that my mum decide to come SO DAMN LATE and everyone alrd filled their tummy by then. so wasted. :<

van, denise, jimmy (my only ntu mates. hahahaha)
denise hard at work on my guestbook. :)
forfeit! we had forfeits for people who didn't come dressed appropriately according to the theme and rod was the number one person who had to 'perform' his forfeit. i think it was to describe how to make a cake without talking. HAHAHAHA. video's on shar's camera i think!
deep in discussion i guess? haha.
huaiiiii my pixies SO CUTEXZXZ?!?!?
shar + meow . LOVE YOU TWO !^^
cute deelai :D
this was exactly what i was doing half the time. bbm/sms/fb -ing on my bb. haha.
classic candid. but beng, you look quite good even on candid camera (Y)

YAY! my timbre pizzas arrived! thanks to my deliverymen - spen + ken. heh. and yes, THANKS JINHUI ! :DD
nic ah. damn cute!

i had 10 timbre pizzas for the night at highly subsidized rate as well. i really really am DAMN LUCKY to have such good friends. i've no better words to describe how to thank all of them. THANK YOU ALL AWESOMEZXZXZ LOVELIES !
BFF-HUG ! ^^

tambu -the BFG :)
baoxiang in his very sexy jeans. haha.
arthur in his amazingly handsome sunnies. HAHAHAHAHA.
forfeit time again! for yingjie, he had to suck helium and sing a song! comical max! all videos are with shar. visit her blog soon! pretty sure it'll be all uploaded there! heh.
KOI treat for all my pixies.
with thanks to spen. love you b. :D
xin, THM

HAHAHAHAHA. nikki. seriously. you crack me up!
alan. (miss dnd 10`) :<

arthur doing his forfeit. i can't rmb what tho. :x
and this is mingqi doing his 'term'. his forfeit was so EASY for him. it was to make 3 person laugh with either actions/words/songs. and i have no idea why, he just need to look at someone and that someone will start laughing. (including me =X)
see what i mean? tambu was laughing SO BAD. i think arthur was tearing alrd? HAHAHAHA.

after all that fun, it was time for the 'cut-cake ceremony' !

that's my mum and dad. main point here is - I AM THE FREAKING SHORTEST IN MY FAMILY. FML. even my younger sis, who's not present as she was still in china, is around my mum's height. SIGHHHH. and i'm alrd 167cm for those who don't know. HAHA. i am always a giant with my friends but the dwarf at home.
all my PIXIES ! MAD LOVE YO!!! :DD (biggest pixie on the extreme right) hehe. secondary school is really where you find friends for LIFE. love you all girls!FLOWERS (where are you P :< )
my angels in school. i really will DIE in school without them. love you girls!! :D
babylove MISC. GANG
DND 10`
sharshar :D
wa, suddenly i dunno how to label this picture. haha. urm, family? heh.

MR SEXY-IN-WHITE-SHIRT GUY CUTTING CAKE FOR MY GUEST. he's mr ken lai for you girls out there who think he is hot. he is CURRENTLY single and available ;D HAHAHAHA. (don't kill me ken, if you ever read this)
what are you two doing? haha.
seriously nic!!!!!

here's mr jinhui (mr PIZZA guy) and yijie. they can be lamer. jinhui brought a rock and yijie bought a star -.-

after that 'ceremony' , it was free and easy time. some started playing mahjong, some dj hero ( with thanks to tristan!! ) and the rest on the floor for some drinking games. ;D
this table fall into none of those category stated above. they were drinking? haha.
very engrossed indeed. and very unglam mel!!!!!sit properly mellllll. you're 21!!!
the four brothers. why only yh is smiling?? who owe you all money?!!?

keith gone. hahaha!

D obviously gone. or rather this is the 'opening-ceremony' (you'll see the closing further down)
then shar was goneeeee too.

baby THM, why so xinku to drink 1 cup??
'closing-ceremony' he went to hug the toilet floor after this. HAHAHAHAHA.

what a cool haircut mingqi!
yijie as the clown. hahaha.
rach was very tired i suppose?

around 3 or 4 we went off to send spen off to the airport :<

went back to clear up the bungalow after that whole event and i didn't get to sleep a wink through the night. but i guess it was all worth it. i miss that weekend a lot tho. :<
here's all the pressie i've received. not a lot, but its the most in the 21 years of my life.

im thankful for all the friends i've met in my life. every single one of you made an impact on who i am and where i am today. thank you all. i love you all.

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