Thursday, January 20, 2011

KL 11`

SO, i've been so busy since spencer came back. days after exams was either spent with him or work. haha. and now that he's back to the states, i'll be all busy with school, tuition and work.

time flies, in another 3 days school will commence. yr 2 sem 2. sounds pretty dreadful. checked my results a few days back, and it was disappointing as usual with so many C grades. i am just thankful that i didn't fail any modules, albeit being so unprepared for my core papers. this means that i don't have to retake any of those disgusting mods again next year. well done G.

i promised i will blog about my KL trip earlier this year, and here i am doing it now. like finally. i took so bloody long to resize the pics. seriously, is there any software out there which will allow me to resize all the pics all at one go? :\ damn tiring lehh, to resize one by one. X.X

anyhow, just got back from bkk yest and i had better blog about my kl trip before the memories get so far-fetch. haha. (bkk rocks btw)

here we go!


we woke up early and did morning exercise by running for the coach. haha. blame it on me. bad time estimation. but thank goodness the coach waited for us. maybe because there was only 4 people scheduled for that coach in the morning, including the 2 of us. poor couple who went early had to wait for us . =x we even got kopi , teh and beehoon before boarding. wahahaha. we seriously rock.

so we reached sunway,after a 6 hr journey. since we didn't know where the exact location of our hotel was at, we decided to seek help from the reception counter of the mall. they were very very nice, and they even helped us with calling up the hotel to check which 'outlet' it was. cause there was 2 'outlets' around that area under the same company i guess.

and i think it was during then, i dropped something at the counter, but didn't realize. so while walking over to kim gary, i suddenly heard my FULL name being announced through the PA system?? and my phone had this weird number calling me non-stop. so i decided to pick up the phone and walk back to the information counter. at that point of time, i kept checking my bag, trying to figure out what i dropped - which had my FULL name and hp number!?!?
and when we finally got there, they asked me what did i dropped. and seriously, i have NO CLUE. hahaha. damn fail. its my item and i've no idea what. and guess what it turn out to be? my PHONE BILL. hahahaha. and there was money inside the envelope as well. and that was quite a bit of sgd. oops. no wonder they kept calling me thru my phone and announcing my name thru the PA system. thank gosh it wasn't in sg. so paiseh please. haha.

anw,back to my food :
had kim gary for lunch!

happy spencer with his food. haha. we were both mad hungry by then.
our meal minus the french toast which came later. i mega love the french toast in msia. its not the usual one we get at hk cafe in sg. the one over at msia has peanut butter filling inside the bread. YUMMY MAX. the taste of peanut butter melting in your mouth with the soft egg-coated bread and honey is just -MMmmmmm. YUMMEH. :D

after food, the rained stopped, we headed over to check in.
and interestingly, this was what we saw at the side counter.

HAHA. yangyang's tristan's nick name and it was funny to see it as the name of the laundry shop. classic.

got back to the room, rested abit before heading to petaling street at night for some kl food.

this is a must go at petaling street. they serve really yummy chinese food. and everyone should try out their hokkien mee. not the usual one you see in sg. its fried with some fat mee and black sauce. one bad point is that there's quite a bit of lard oil pieces in it. yikes. took us quite some time to fish them out.
i DON'T KNOW why he is smiling to the coconut.
our food!
our days in KL was just food food food and more food actually. haha.

after dinz, walked around petaling street where they sell lots and lots of replicas of LV/chanel/Gucci etc. etc. you name it they have it. but all i got was a bag for school.
cabbed back after which. another thing to note. i hate to take cabs in msia. the cab drivers there are so anal. they are so bent on NOT using the meter. what is wrong with them mann. hate it. i prefer the cab drivers in bkk. meter mai? all say yes. me rikes! ^^

since the night was still young when we got back, we decided to go try out bowling. the bowling alley closes at 1am anw. and guess what we saw on the way in?
kissing fishes. cute max!! >.<
pro at work
don't judge us. hahaha. us in my ultra cute max jacket. heh.
after which, on our way back we stopped by a bar to have some drinks before heading back to our room to rest for the day.


since day 2 was meant to be spent visiting klcc and times square, we didn't wake up too early. we tried to make our trip as relaxed as possible. heh.

our hotel isn't exactly located at sunway itself, so we had to walk over everyday. its a budget style hotel anyhow. we're too poor to book the posh rooms. hahas. anw, fresh air every morning ! (Y)

then it was brunch over at george town. wanted to bring spencer to try 'ming tian' ( its the coffee shop's name btw) but we were too hungry and decided to settle on george town which was located within the mall . ('ming tian' was located further out. )

after brunch, cabbed down to klcc. cabbing in kl's a bitch mann. so bloody sexpensive. >.<
clean and fresh us! :D

after walking around, we decided to head over to times square since the reception lady told us that it was nearer compared to mid valley mall. she told us we could take the bus down. i've never taken the msia bus in kl before. considered a new experience this time round. hahas. and its SO FRIGGING cheap to take the bus. for like a 15 mins journey, it cost us RM1 each. cheaper than sg sbs/smrt la! and the funny thing was that we asked the bus driver how many stops will we be stopping at before reaching times square, he say 'MANY MANY' (msian generally can't speak english and so happens he was a malay driver, there was no way we could communicate.) so we went to take our seat after which. and guess what? he didn't even stop at any other stops? so we literally only took from one end to the other. the uncle lied to us sia. what many many stops. ONE stop only pls. haha. just that it was one LONG stop. it was a fun experience in any case ;)

tadah! we were dropped off at bintang walk and had to maneuver ourselves over to times square thereafter.

walked around and explored the 12 storey shopping mall (times square), had dinner and went back to sunway after that.

rmbed i mentioned that we went to bowl on day 1? on day 2, we decided to try out archery next to the bowling alley. it was our virgin try at archery ! pretty fun actually! hahas. and now i know, archery can be very draining as well. the stupid bow was so heavyyyy! and i cant shoot for nuts. hahas.
me and my very pro pose. ikr. hahaha. act only ma.
no prize for guessing which one is mine. hahaha.

after archery, we decided to head over to the cinema for NARNIA. we're SO SLOW. i know. but bo bian. spencer's away more than half the time, and i was so busy with exams and all. haha. at least we caught something. not too bad.

spencer posing with hot babe. haha.

walked back to the hotel after over movie while enjoying the christmas lighting's that were still up.


finally! we managed to wake up to head to 'ming tian' for breakkie!
we seriously ate like cows there. so much foodie.

then it was to SUNWAY LAGOON , the highlight for our trip. i actually do have a picture of us taken at the entrance, but it was done using the Polaroid. will upload it if i ever find time to do so. anyhow, we did enjoy ourselves at the lagoon cause it wasn't the peak period and we didn't have to queue too long for the rides. but the only sad case was that we didn't get to play at the water park,thanks to my period. :(

the last picture rocks. i know. hahaha. the shower cap. hahaha!

after . why so tensed up? hahaha.
ohyes, there was the archery station inside the theme park as well. here's spencer acting pro.
and i think bcos it was our second time, i did a better job this time round. :p

there was this suspension bridge within the park and in my memory i took super long to finish the journey the first time i was there cause i was so scared i will fall. but somehow the fear wasn't there this time round. (Y) brave-r G. up there, we got to view the awesome view of the whole theme park! pretty!
zoo time after that!

ended our day just before the park closed. and we didn't managed to play the last few games cause it started to pour after we visited the wildlife zoo inside the park itself. overall, it was still fun! we were so tired at the end of the day and settle dinner at popeyes before heading back to our room to change out for out night activity! heh. to visit euphoria.

euphoria is their club there. and it is frigging HUGEEE.zouk should totally be like this size la.
spiral stairway to the club. cool or what?
even their toilet doors are cool-er. spencer really needed to pee after taking this picture. hahaha

it was free entry for ladies on a wed and i get a complimentary drink as well :D (btw, their ladies night there is on thurs) so i've no idea why i got free entry. guys had to pay RM25 for entry with 1 drink. still quite reasonable amount i would say.
our first drink - jaggerbomb. heh, but i don't like the 'fake' redbull. its so FRIGGING sweet. i prefer the one nic gives out! haha.

the tables were reserved but there was literally no one in the club, so we asked if we could sit down while waiting. the tables there lights up ! mega coolios. and it changes colours, not very obvious in this pic tho.
the dance floor. bigbig dance floor. it was fun dancing tht night because there was SO much space ard us. haha. i guess its not their norm to club on a weekday? but those girls we saw at the club, seriously cmi. they are so desperate that they dance with the pillars. or rather 'grind' the walls. hahaha. fail X100000

one jug of long island tea 'gao' for himself. tsktsk. (fyi the jug of chivas mixer was 102rm compared to 70+rm jug of long island tea)
i had a cup of kahlua and kamikaze shots after that tgt with spencer. music was not bad seriously. but we left early cause we were veh tired from the theme park activity earlier in the day. home sweet home after that.


our last day at KL and spencer requested for us to head over to 'ming tian' again for brunch. the food there's really not bad btw. but its KL, so dont expect the food to be that cheap .

attempting barney's wink - failed tho. haha.
every meal there was this sumptuous. haha.

headed back to the mall to walk a lil more before heading to the sunway hotel and resort to wait for our coach back to sg. so pretty. but sadly we didn't stay at this hotel. haha. too sexpensive eh.
our box of krispykreme to accompany us all the way back to sg. heh. so that's all to my kl trip.

tata!! :D

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