Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Final moments

summary for july :

main highlight - spencer's departure for the states for his studies.
i'm pretty sure i did enjoy the last few weeks together tho. we tried to spend whatever time was remaining for us, together. doing things we enjoy :)

like we went to JB twice for cheap good food + movie.
enjoyed his last clubbing session in sg, for a long while at least.
went for a double date with shar and D to the zoo (check out shar's blog for details)
the misc. gang planned a surprise farewell party for him as well. held at concorde hotel :) we had to tell so many white lies and loads of effort went into this event. hope you liked it !
had a few stayovers and took the bus together for the last time together, for a long while at least.
got a couple watch.
ate HK cafe with him for the last time, and joined the membership.

caught our last movie together, hot tub time machine, at amk hub.
ate his last ramly burger with him.
drank his last koi.
and it was about time for him to leave at the airport.

happy times are always short-lived. but he asked me to be strong and not to cry at the airport. so i did. but i don't know how long i would be strong for. i still cried before and after he left. D`:

how is it like for your loved one to be a thousand miles away from you all the time? how does it feel to have no one to warm you up at a cold cold mall? how does it feel to just wanna go out with someone for no reason but to spend time together, yet have no one to go with? i totally get it now. doesn't feel good at all. it sucks actually. to be be living in a different time zone and so far apart. it makes you feel so alone and it dampens your mood for many things.

nvm, ignore my rants. i just needa know that i gotta be stronger than this to over this. :\

'People asked me if he was worth it, if this was worth it. I said, the thing is, the happiness that I feel when I'm with him is unlike any happiness I have ever experienced. But the sadness that consumes me during the long periods when happiness is gone is unlike any sadness I've ever had too. It is bottomless and makes me feel hopeless and sad. And I can't decide which one is more affecting. Can I live without the happiness? Can I live without the sadness? Perhaps, I just can't live without him.'


  1. Awww I almost teared while reading your entry. I may not have experienced this before but I do understand what you're going through. If you need ANYONE to go out with, don't be shy to ask me k! Spencer asked me to keep you occuped while he's away so I WILL DO IT. Whatever movies you wanna watch or whenever you wanna go JB or have HK Cafe pls ask me!!! Hehe. Love you BFF you know you can count on me ;)

  2. hey gillian! yeah, i almost teared too. ): sigh, i know how it is to see someone you really love to be on another island, one that's far far away. where you can do nothing but to listen to each other voices coming in and out of your phones or laptops. looking at each other 2d faces. cant even feel the contour but only flat surfaces.. it's really sad, and i'll be really helpless too. you really need to stay really really strong to get over this, until you've reach a limit. but rmb, do look back and realise how much stronger you've actually become. you guys have come so far, put in so much effort, and i know, you'll never give up just like that. none of you will. so stay strong gillian. i know nobody can replace spencer, but you'll have distractions here and there, that's what friends are for. here is when they place a huge role. and i will, too. be there whenever you need someone. and i know, after the distractions, you'll still be back home alone and all, there'll be times when all the helpless feeling come finding you, let it be alright? dont try to stop it. try to overcome it. it's definitely a part of love. alright alright guess i should stop here.

    once again, please do rmb your friends are there for you alright? we will be! feel free to look for anyone alright? i love you. and please do take care and last but not least, stay strong. hugs(:

  3. hi girls! i teared when i read both your comments la. more touching than my entry. ha.
    and thanks for being there for me babes! really needed that. actually, i need all the support i can get now. it's heart warming to know that i have friends whom i can count on :)
    thank you girlies! <3 you all!

  4. Thanks Pei Xin and Shar =)
