Saturday, May 29, 2010


Whoops! I've been neglecting this space for awhile. Life's too busy right now I guess? Even though it's the holidays... And maybe I shall just do a short update on my very boring life right now since I'm waiting for 12.30 to come before my shift start.

So recently, all I've been doing was to clear my sleep debt(which I just accumulated AGAIN), gave tuition classes and meetup with a few friends. And not forgetting the partying part. Hahas. But it actually seems like I'm not keeping up to my initial plan to party 3 times a week before my holiday started. Heh. I am bias. I prefer to spend my time with my bed, whether anot I'm sleeping or just watching HIMYM/fringe/autumn's concerto. There's just far too many shows to catch and so little
time :C

Especially after work started at Cotton On, it seems like my timetable's ever changing, my work hours just keeps increasing. Ha. Like for today, my shift was SUPPOSED to start at 6pm. But it was pushed up to 3pm. And finally changed to 12.30pm as of now. and what's more, the store manager decided to nominate audrey and I to do the cashier work and we had to be at the shop at 8.30 this morning for training. Explains why I'm having a 2 hr break now before my shift begins (ie. Why I'm so boreddddd and blogging) Heh. My store manager actually asked me when my hol's ending and if I have the intention of staying even after my contract ends in June. She was so happy when I told her I only start school in sept. Die mann... Hopefully this doesn't mean non stop working for me... :/ ( I'm lazy like Garfield)

Anw, meeting the misc gang(very fun peeps) later tonight after work for hoodies and goodies, which I presume I'll be sleeping at one corner due to fatigue. :///// not cool.

Maybe it was all meant to be.

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