Saturday, April 24, 2010


so frigging pissed with the tuition agency. rahhh.
why is it that we tutors seem like products on the shelves and parents are "buyers", so to speak. the parents are allowed to evaluate us on our teaching capacity and we are not allowed to feedback on why the child is not doing well. okay, all my other students and parents have showed me enough respect and i should take solace in that. even tho most of them always give me that shock look when they see me during the first lesson, perhaps i just look too young to teach. especially so for my secondary school students. but THIS new household. seriously, i don't feel comfortable teaching in an environment where the parents are fighting all he time and they complain that their child isn't doing well. cmon, its so obvious, or maybe they are just too blinded by their fights. the parents themselves are the cause of their child's deteriorating grades. i don't think there's anything wrong with the child's IQ when he can get into st. gabs with his psle score. furthermore, with all the interrogations and doubting of my teaching capabilty just because i didnt get that perfect 6 points for my O levels and 4 As for my A levels. they ought to realise that the grades reflected on your cert is not a function to be used to measure a person's teaching ability. i doesn't mean that once you get that 4 As for A levels you can gurantee your student can produce the same result. if that's the case, why dont all raffles/hwa chong students just teach tuition and not study anymore. and the best part, the child's previous tutor was from hwa chong. IF that tutor was that good. why didn't they just keep him/her and request him/her to continue teaching their child?? annoyingggggg. oh yes, did i mention that the mum commented that she scored a perfect score for her O levels. she should realise that syllabus changes? and she took her Os like what? more than 30 years ago? if she's that good, why can't she coach her own son? and why is she having depression now? this is a joke mann.

and back to the tuition agency. i called back to feedback that i dont wanna continue taking up this assignment and his reply to me was - then in that case you'll become a job hazard. WOW. seriously. perhaps he needs to go through what i went through during class that day to understand why i am so traumatised. its so unfair that the parents get a one month probabtion for the tutors to see if they want us to continue to teach, but none of such privilages for tutors. it takes two hands to clap, seriously. if i can't adapt to the teaching enviorment well, i can't give the best of myself to the student. which will result in a cascade of reaction with the final product of the child not performing well for his exams.

sigh. i am so not in the right mood now. >:C
how am i suppose to study when i am not feeling good. and the best part, the parents should realise that i am currently studying too? and the stress i get from school work, especially during this period of time where its our exams period, they should be glad i didnt ask for a week's break,which by right i could but didnt, just because i know that my students are ALSO having their mid-year soon. i have given the best i could, have they?

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