Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SBS Day 10`

WHEEE. wednesday! :D
i've been so so so busyyyy. i realise i'm lagging behind for school work againnnn. sigh. i'm gonna spend my cny catching up! promise!!

anw, cny and vday are coming soon soon. so my school, school of biological science(SBS), being very hip unlike someone's school -ahem- , had a happening SBS day today!
i conquer (partially) my fear of BALLOONs today. there was this booth which allows you to do balloon sculpturing (?) not sure what is it called. anyhow, we could learn to make whatever we want! best of all - for FREE. hahas. (i secretly think my school is rich. but they scrimp and save their money via a smart way, how? by giving us DAMN little reagents for our lab session which result in our lousy lab results all the time :\ ) my crazy classmate joyanne wanted the flower so badly, so she went to learn how to do it. i just stood there and watch. ha. and i decided to accompany her since i had to wait for xin to finish her class before we go for lunch together. and after watching for a long while... i decided to ask the 'student-helper' to teach me to make something really SIMPL, so that i can give it to my lovely roomie. and she suggested a two-step heart! hahas. and i DID it !!! pro or what (: oh yes, and i got the student helper to make me a flower and a bear. hee. so the flower and bear you see below were not made by me. HAHA. i gave the heart to XINXIN! early vday pressie... 8D she felt retarded carrying it around school tho. nonstop comprainnnnn. next time i wont be nice anymoreee. XP

cam whoring (:

and here!! this is what i made. very pathetic compared to the pro flower/bear. but stillllll.... for those who dont already know, BALLOONs is one of my biggest fear.

oh yes, xinxin drew another present for me. HAHA. strips this time!

meeting nikki and the flowers in a while for dinner + party! :D :D :D


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