Sunday, February 28, 2010

For your reading pleasure,

" One Chinese New Year Eve morning, Mary's mother bring the family to Orchard for some shopping to decorate the house. Orchard Shopping Center was beautiful decorated with red lanterns and fire crackers. There was very crowdeded. Mary's mother buy lots of red packets to give to her relatives and neighbours. "

this what i got from my p4 student when i got her to write me a composition on Chinese New Year(those with 4 pictures and you're supposed to write a compostion based on the storyline given). this is exactly what she wrote kayy. all the weird spelling are not typo by me. and this is only the first paragraph... you can imagine how the next three-quad of the compo went.
and i always thought my english was atrocious. now i fully comprehend what is atrocious la. someone tell me how to not puke blood after reading this.

suddenly i pity the primary school teachers, imagine marking 30 pieces of such work, who wouldnt go crazy ? :\

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