Thursday, November 12, 2009


G is currently taking orders for Christmas Delicacies from GoodWood Park Hotel !
This is a canvassing project to raise funds for Dinner and Dance 2010 for my Hall . Do help me out here, as our hall's aim is to gain $5ooo worth of orders! Although I'm not the only one taking in orders, each of the comm members would need to at least sell 3-4 cakes to hit our target. I know the price would seem a little pricey, but the durian cakes from GoodWood Park has been much raved about for the longest time! It'll be nice to get it for the festive season ((:

Coffee and Brownie Logcake.Gingerbread Men.

The price list is as attached:

I will need the orders to be in by 3rd/4th of December . Delivery of the items can be arranged again! If you're interested, do email to me directly : , or sms me!

A BIG THANK YOU FRIENDS! You can help me out by spreading the "news" too ! =D

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